Unit Index

1. Units

Units have the following characteristics:

Cargo: It shows how much this unit can carry. A unit can carry 10 times this rating in basic resources (such as Food). Other items have their own size, which is calculated accordingly.

Size: It shows how big a unit is. Bigger units have a higher probability of being hit in battle, so you may consider such units as 'absorbers' of damage.

Ground Attack: The first number indicates the amount of damage this unit inflicts by doing ground attacks, the second number indicates the amount of damage it can sustain before being destroyed from a ground attack, while the last number shows the ground movement points. Higher numbers mean the unit is faster on the ground and its initiative is better so it plays earlier in ground battles. If a unit has a ground move of 0 then it is an air unit.

Ground Buffs: The first number indicates the amount of damage bonus buff this unit provides to all ground units per unit alive at the beginning of each battle round. The second number indicates the amount of defense bonus this unit provides to all ground units per unit alive at the beginning of each battle round. E.g. if the value is 0.5% and you have 10 of these units alive at the start of the battle round then all your ground forces gain a 0.5% * 10 = 5% attack bonus.

Air Attack: The first number indicates the amount of damage this unit inflicts by doing air attacks, the second number indicates the amount of damage it can sustain before being destroyed from an air attack, while the last number shows the air movement points. Higher numbers mean the unit is faster in the air and its initiative is better so it plays earlier in air battles. If a unit has an air move of 0 then it is a ground unit.

Air Buffs: The first number indicates the amount of damage bonus buff this unit provides to all air units per unit alive at the beginning of each battle round. The second number indicates the amount of defense bonus this unit provides to all air units per unit alive at the beginning of each battle round. E.g. if the value is 0.5% and you have 10 of these units alive at the start of the battle round then all your air forces gain a 0.5% * 10 = 5% attack bonus.

Defender: If a unit has this characteristic then it will always form the first line of defense. This effectively means that such units will be hit first by enemy fire. Defender units have, naturally, high defense!

Astral Traveler: This unit can travel through magical portals without suffering from any permanent debilitating effects. Such units can be used later in the game, to go where no other units have gone before!

Initiative: The initiative of any unit is calculated by adding its ground and air movement.

XP: The eXPerience points you gain by defeating such a unit in battle (whether attacking or defending).

Arcane Archer Your basic ground unit, the arcane archers are cheap and can be produced fast. Never underestimate their power, even more their numbers...

Req. Technology: Arcane Power
Constructed at: Arcanum (Lvl 1)
StatsCargo: 60, Size: 100, Ground Attack: (2 / 1 / 6)
Upkeep 1
Construction 50, 100, 100, 100, 0:01:00
Wizard Well-versed in the mystical powers and a powerful addition to any army, wizards stand always ready to reduce their enemies to cinders or turn them into dust!

Req. Technology: Wizardry
Constructed at: Arcanum (Lvl 5)
StatsCargo: 100, Size: 200, Ground Attack: (4 / 2 / 8)
Upkeep 1
Construction 100, 200, 200, 200, 0:02:00
Warlock Warlocks are advanced magic users which conjure mystical forces to raid destruction upon their enemies!

Req. Technology: Archmagic
Constructed at: Arcanum (Lvl 10)
StatsCargo: 150, Size: 300, Ground Attack: (6 / 3 / 9)
Upkeep 1
Construction 150, 300, 300, 300, 0:03:00
Demonix As the ultimate magic user, a demonix has formed pacts with the mystical forces of the world and has become attuned to its darker side. Where a demonix goes destruction follows...

Req. Technology: Dark Arts
Constructed at: Arcanum (Lvl 15)
StatsCargo: 400, Size: 400, Ground Attack: (8 / 4 / 10), Astral Traveler
Upkeep 1
Construction 90, 150, 150, 150, 1, 0:05:00
Monk Monks are not very powerful offensively, but possess high resilience which serves them well in their role as defenders of your people.

Req. Technology: Natural Affinity
Constructed at: Church (Lvl 1)
StatsCargo: 100, Size: 150, Ground Attack: (1 / 6 / 5), Defender
Upkeep 2
Construction 30, 40, 40, 40, 0:01:00
Crusader Obsessed with their mission to protect, crusaders are an excellent choice for your defensive army.

Req. Technology: Crusade
Constructed at: Church (Lvl 5)
StatsCargo: 10, Size: 400, Ground Attack: (2 / 12 / 6), Defender
Upkeep 2
Construction 65, 90, 90, 90, 0:01:00
Paladin Highly trained and specialized in all forms of combat as your war champions, paladins are stalwart defenders against both ground and air assaults.

Important: If there are no enemy ground units, paladins deal damage to air forces.

Req. Technology: Paladinhood
Constructed at: Church (Lvl 10)
StatsCargo: 200, Size: 350, Ground Attack: (3 / 18 / 7), Air Attack: (3 / 0 / 0), Defender
Upkeep 2
Construction 80, 120, 120, 120, 0:02:00
Dark Knight Among the ranks of your paladins some are brave enough to become infused with the power of the elements and become dark knights. They are strong, fast and resilient - a formidable line of defense against any assault.

Important: If there are no enemy ground units, dark knights deal damage to enemy air forces.

Req. Technology: Dark Arts
Constructed at: Church (Lvl 15)
StatsCargo: 100, Size: 150, Ground Attack: (4 / 24 / 8), Air Attack: (4 / 0 / 0), Defender, Astral Traveler
Upkeep 2
Construction 75, 150, 150, 150, 1, 1, 0:02:00
Fairy Dragon Although not as powerful as others of their kind, fairy dragons are small, quick and useable by any army. They are the basic flying unit and a necessary step towards an alliance with their larger cousins.

Req. Technology: Fairy Bond
Constructed at: Aviary (Lvl 5)
StatsCargo: 20, Size: 350, Air Attack: (3 / 2 / 16)
Upkeep 2
Construction 100, 150, 150, 150, 0:03:00
Dragon Dragons are fabled beasts, strong, fast and resilient. They circle high in the sky, raining death and destruction on their enemies!

Req. Technology: Archmagic
Constructed at: Dragon Spire (Lvl 5)
StatsCargo: 50, Size: 750, Air Attack: (10 / 4 / 18)
Upkeep 2
Construction 150, 250, 250, 250, 0:04:00
Armored Dragon Elder dragons, touched by the elements, obey only the most powerful heroes! They are a formidable sight to behold, striking fear to the hearts of their enemies before turning them to ash.

Req. Technology: Dark Arts
Constructed at: Dragon Spire (Lvl 15)
StatsCargo: 100, Size: 1000, Air Attack: (16 / 6 / 19), Astral Traveler
Upkeep 2
Construction 50, 100, 100, 100, 1, 0:06:00
Spiky Dragon A dragon trained in the art of war alongside your elite warriors to form a formidable team. The spiky dragon flies high in the skies, ready to surgically target enemies dictated by the heroes on the ground.

Important: This unit need requires an amount of defender units with a combined defense of at least half its ground attack.

Req. Technology: Advanced Dragonry
Constructed at: Dragon Spire (Lvl 10)
StatsCargo: 1500, Size: 2500, Ground Attack: (210 / 0 / 0), Air Attack: (0 / 60 / 10), Planet Buffs: (0.5% / 0%), Astral Traveler
Upkeep 30
Construction 2500, 2500, 2500, 2500, 1:00:00
Griffin A great beast of burden that helps heroes transport large amounts of goods from one place to another.

Req. Technology: Griffin Training
Constructed at: Aviary (Lvl 1)
StatsCargo: 10000, Size: 5000, Air Attack: (0 / 25 / 12), Defender
Upkeep 4
Construction 50, 100, 100, 100, 0:04:00
Dark Griffin A large cousin of the griffin, this majestic flier can carry huge amounts of goods faster and safer all over the lands of Nocturion.

Req. Technology: Dark Arts
Constructed at: Aviary (Lvl 11)
StatsCargo: 30000, Size: 10000, Air Attack: (0 / 40 / 14), Defender, Astral Traveler
Upkeep 3
Construction 50, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 0:08:00
Caravan A caravan is rather expensive to create but has the unique capability to lay the foundations for a new village.

Caravans always stay out of combat. They can only be destroyed if their entire escorting army is lost - or nonexistent!

Req. Technology: Caravans
Constructed at: Castle (Lvl 10)
StatsCargo: 500, Size: 2500, Air Attack: (0 / 100 / 2)
Construction 30, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 8:20:00
Aldoraji These elite ground troops come from the eastern part of the Riverland. Strongly tied with the area's latent magical energies, the Aldoraji manipulate the arcane powers to inflict terrible punishment upon their enemies.

Req. Technology: Rebel Training
Constructed at: Arcanum (Lvl 16)
StatsCargo: 400, Size: 400, Ground Attack: (9 / 4 / 12), Astral Traveler
Upkeep 1
Construction 20, 100, 160, 160, 160, 2, 0:05:00
Iceforged These elite knights come from the northern parts of the Riverland region. The magic of the northern glacier combined with a lifetime of training make them a formidable defensive force!

Req. Technology: Rebel Training
Constructed at: Church (Lvl 16)
StatsCargo: 100, Size: 150, Ground Attack: (4 / 26 / 10), Air Attack: (4 / 0 / 0), Defender, Astral Traveler
Upkeep 2
Construction 20, 90, 160, 160, 160, 2, 2, 0:02:00
Frost Drake Born in the frozen wastes of the northern Riverland, the Frost Drakes are elite flying units that only serve heroes whose armies advanced well into the region!

Req. Technology: Rebel Training
Constructed at: Dragon Spire (Lvl 16)
StatsCargo: 100, Size: 1000, Air Attack: (18 / 6 / 22), Astral Traveler
Upkeep 2
Construction 20, 60, 110, 110, 110, 2, 0:06:00
Azure Griffin Elite transports from the Riverland area!

Req. Technology: Rebel Training
Constructed at: Aviary (Lvl 12)
StatsCargo: 65000, Size: 15000, Air Attack: (0 / 45 / 15), Defender, Astral Traveler
Upkeep 3
Construction 20, 60, 110, 110, 110, 2, 2, 0:08:00